Comprehensive OverviewÂ
Here are Long Beach MS key statistics, offering detailed insights into the city’s population, demographics, and other essential data. Whether you’re a resident, potential visitor, or investor, this page will help you understand the city’s makeup, including population by race, age distribution, economic factors, and voter turnout. We aim to provide a clear and informative overview to better understand the community and its growth. This information can be referenced here, if a 2nd opinion is warranted. You can also find out more about Michael McGill at StayAmerican/About.
Long Beach has a 2024 population of 17,052. Long Beach is currently growing at a rate of 0.36% annually and its population has increased by 1.46% since the most recent census, which recorded a population of 16,806 in 2020.
The average household income in Long Beach is $86,224 with a poverty rate of 9.24%. The median age in Long Beach is 41 years: 36.6 years for males, and 46.1 years for females.
Voter Turn Out in 2021
Long Beach MS Key Statistics shows that during the last mayoral race in Long Beach, despite a population of 16,806 residents, only 2,213 voters out of the 12,168 active registered voters participated in the election. This represents a voter turnout of just 13.17%. While Mayor George Bass won re-election with 79% of the vote, the low turnout highlights that a small portion of the population contributed to shaping the city’s leadership. This indicates that approximately 81.81% of active voters did not participate in the election, underscoring the need for greater civic engagement within the community.
Population By Race
Racial composition of Long Beach, provides valuable insight into the community’s diversity and cultural dynamics. By examining this information, voters and residents can see the community’s diversity that each group brings to Long Beach.
Education attainment
Long Beach MS Key Statistics shows that Education attainment in Long Beach, plays a significant role in shaping the community’s political engagement and voting behavior. Research shoes that higher education levels often correlate with increased voter participation, educated individuals tend to feel more empowered to engage in their civic duties. Long Beach should enhance its residents’ awareness of political issues and encourage higher voter turnout, ultimately leading to a more informed and active community.