Sun setting over Gulfport, MS harbor



As a proud product of Mississippi’s public school system and community college, I know firsthand the life-changing power of education. My experiences growing up and my years of service have taught me that strong public schools are the backbone of any thriving community. If we want Mississippi to grow and prosper, we must invest in our students. By supporting public schools, community colleges, and vocational training, we can ensure our workforce is equipped for the future, keeping Mississippi strong and competitive.

I’m committed to making sure our education dollars end up where they belong—in the classroom, not in the pockets of bureaucrats or political insiders. We need real solutions, not empty promises.

Smart Investments in Mississippi Public Schools

I’ve seen how budget cuts can devastate school districts, forcing them to cut essential programs, increase class sizes, and ask teachers to pay out of pocket for classroom supplies. This has to stop.

I will work with educators and local leaders to develop a funding model that ensures our schools get the support they need. By prioritizing schools over political pet projects, we can ensure Mississippi’s budget surplus benefits students and communities, not special interests.

Mississippi’s students should be prepared to excel in a modern economy. That means investing in high-tech vocational programs, advanced STEM education, and ensuring that every classroom has the tools and technology necessary to foster success.

Teacher Retention: Competitive Pay and Support

We can’t retain great teachers if we don’t pay them what they’re worth. I will fight for competitive pay for our teachers and support staff. Along with pay raises, I support critical shortage stipends, loan forgiveness programs, and affordable health insurance options that will keep the best and brightest educators in Mississippi.

Strong Schools, Strong Communities

Our public schools are the heart of our communities. They don’t just educate our kids—they provide resources and support for families and local businesses. We must empower communities to have more say in what their local schools need and provide funding for programs that address those specific needs.

Every Mississippi student deserves to learn in a clean, modern, and safe environment. I will advocate for funding that upgrades school facilities and ensures students are prepared for the future.

I also support expanding access to early childhood education, making universal preschool available to give every child in Mississippi a head start. When parents know their children are safe and learning in quality early education programs, it allows them to focus on providing for their families and helping our economy grow.

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