Michael McGill stands alongside two protesters holding signs advocating for fair pay and workers' rights

Fair Pay for Faculty: USM Rally Highlights Urgent Need for Equitable Compensation

A Tuesday rally at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) demanded fair pay for faculty members and professors. The rally was organized by the American Association of University Professors, partnering with the United Campus Workers, USM Staff Council, and the USM Facility Senate.

This morning, a friend, Bia Shoemaker reached out to rally me behind the cause advocating fair pay at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM). The urgency of the rally, organized by the American Association of University Professors, partnering with the United Campus Workers, USM Staff Council, and the USM Facility Senate, aims to spotlight the dire need for equitable compensation across the university.

Amid this push for fair pay, I find myself deeply connected, another reason I’ve embarked on this journey toward the U.S. Congress. The struggle for fair compensation isn’t just confined to what immediately comes to mind; it extends to our dedicated college professors, often facing similar challenges to our public school teachers.

The Importance of Education:

Education stands at the forefront, shaping our future generations. Without adequately supported educators, Mississippi languishes at #50 in terms of weekly working hours. As a congressman, I stand resolutely committed to advocating for every individual, irrespective of their age, race, or profession. Specifically, I champion the cause of hardworking professors, pivotal figures sculpting our children’s future.

Research by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) sheds light on the difficulties faced by part-time professors. This study underscored that contingent faculty, constituting part-time professors or adjuncts, frequently lack the advantages of full-time faculty, including competitive wages, health benefits, and job security. Alarmingly, 60% of these dedicated educators earn less than $50,000 yearly, with nearly a quarter falling below the federal poverty line.

Adjuncts, unrecognized for their integral role, contribute significantly to our academic institutions. However, they remain uncompensated for vital tasks integral to education, echoing a lack of prioritization for knowledge and academic foundations, as highlighted by the AFT President.

Diversity and Equity Issues

Furthermore, adjuncts, especially women and people of color, often face hurdles in attaining full-time positions, resulting in marginalized groups remaining predominantly in part-time roles. These circumstances perpetuate inequities within higher education, as underscored by the AFT, indicating that nearly half of the faculty members occupy part-time positions.

In summary, the rally at USM emphasizes the need for fair pay, exposing the challenges confronting part-time professors and echoing the importance of equality and diversity in our academic landscapes.

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